亚洲动物健康创新论坛是一个B2B的高端论坛,它为正在 动物保健和营养领域 崛起的中国乃至亚太区企业提供了良好的展示平台。为正在融资或希望与全球跨国公司形成战略合作伙伴的新兴企业提供宝贵契机。
谭子龙, 易联生物科技有限公司
“ 这是一场激动人心的会议。一个国内和国际动保公司的交互平台,大家趁此机会相互介绍认识彼此。在这里你可以和同行们进行高效的沟通,同时又可以获知很多行业前沿的创新科技。”
薛 廷武,中牧集团 (CAHG)
史 记曙, - 美-中动物卫生中心
Joachim Hasenmaier, Boehringer-Ingelheim

Dr. Cai XuePeng
Dr. Cai Xuepeng has been President of Chinese Veterinary Association (CVMA) since February 2017. In his professional career, he held a number of prominent leadership roles in government institutions related to control of animal diseases and animal health, including as former Director of Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute, Director of the Chinese Center for Animal Disease Control and Prevention (CCDC), Director of China Institute of Veterinary Drug Control (IVDC), and Director of Veterinary Drug Evaluation Committee, the Ministry of Agriculture. Dr. Cai received his degree in Veterinary Medicine from Heilongjiang College of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, his Master’s Degree in Parasitology from Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and his PhD in Veterinary Medicine from Nanjing Agricultural University.

Dr. Isabelle Dieuzy-Labaye
Dr. Isabelle Dieuzy-Labaye is Senior Advisor, Public-Private Partnerships, at the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), an intergovernmental organisation with 182 Member Countries, headquartered in Paris.
She has over 20 years of experience in the animal health market and in the life sciences and innovation sectors, working in the US and now in Europe. Prior to her appointment at the OIE in November 2016, Isabelle was the Director, Strategic Alliances, for Europe, Africa and the Middle East at Zoetis, the leading animal health company worldwide. In this role, she started and led multiple open innovation initiatives through collaborations with various partners at the public-private interface, including large academic research entities, government institutions, startup companies, foundations and charities, driving scientific and developmental projects towards outcome and impact.
Isabelle is a board member at Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire d’Alfort and at the Moredun Research Institute in Scotland. She is also a member of the Strategic Committee of Agreenium, the French consortium of agronomical education and research institutes, and of the Technical and Scientific Committee of GALVmed, a UK-based NGO which makes livestock vaccines, medicines and diagnostics accessible and affordable to developing countries. She recently joined the Scientific Council of the Animal Health Department of INRA.
Isabelle holds a DVM from Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire d’Alfort and obtained her MBA at INSEAD.

Clinton Lewis
Clint Lewis is executive vice president and president of International Operations at Zoetis. In this role, he oversees the management of the livestock and companion animal business markets outside the United States.
Mr. Lewis previously served as president, U.S. Operations at Zoetis and in the Pfizer Animal Health organization. He joined Pfizer Animal Health in 2007.
Mr. Lewis joined Pfizer in 1988 as a sales representative in Long Island, N.Y., and has held positions of increasing responsibility in several areas across various commercial operations dedicated to human health prior to joining animal health, including vice president and general manager of Pfizer’s U.S. Anti-Infectives/HIV business unit.
In 2011, Mr. Lewis was elected chairman of the Animal Health Institute (AHI) for the 2011-12 term. A member of AHI since 2007, Mr. Lewis previously served as AHI vice chair for the 2009-2010 term. AHI is the trade association for the animal health industry in the U.S. advocating on various issues important to the industry, including efficient and effective regulatory and approval processes by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Mr. Lewis holds a bachelor’s degree in biology from Fairfield University and a Master of Business Administration in marketing from Fairleigh Dickinson University.

Sébastien Huron
Sébastien Huron, 46, DVM, started his career in 1994 in Brazil in the Hoechst-Roussel group where he rapidly rose to become the Marketing director of the animal health division. After Intervet acquired this division (Akzo Nobel group), which was then integrated into the Merck Group, Sébastien Huron pursued his career in 2000 in the United States as Market Development director, and then as director of the Pet division. After rejoining the Virbac group in 2006 as the general manager of the Spanish subsidiary, he then became the director of the European region in 2008, and then head of Global Business Operations in 2013. He has been part of the Virbac executive board since December 2012.

Ruiai Chen
Dr. Ruiai Chen received her Ph.D. in Microbiology from the China Agricultural University. Currently she is a professor and Ph.D. advisor at the College of Veterinary Medicines, South China Agricultural University.
Dr. Chen is President of Guangdong Wens Dahuanong Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (DHN), and Vice-Chairman of the China Veterinary Drug Association (CVDA). She is one of the most influential leaders in the Chinese animal health arena and, as a result, she is entitled to special allowances provided by the Chinese State Council, an honor for outstanding scientists in China. Dr. Chen is a well-known expert in the prevention and control of animal diseases, and vaccine research.
She possesses 41 patents and 22 new veterinary drug certificates. Dr. Chen has received 14 technical awards at the provincial and national levels, such as first prize for the Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Award and the China Outstanding Patent. Her achievements include the development and industrialization of avian influenza vaccines, PRRS vaccines and coccidiosis vaccines. These vaccines are now making great contributions to disease control in China, Southeast Asia (e.g., Indonesia), and Middle East countries. Dr. Chen is also director of the Enterprise Key Laboratory of MOA for Animal Disease Prevention and Control, Biotechnology and Biological Product R&D. She has contributed greatly to commercialization of technology for animal vaccine and pharmaceutical products.

Dr. Jihong Kim
Dr. Jihong Kim is the chairman of Green Cross Veterinary Products Co., Ltd.. a leading animal health company in South Korea established since 1973. In his role, he is leading the international partnership and globalization initiatives.
Dr. Kim holds MBA from Harvard Business School and PhD from University of California, Berkeley. He was a professor and an associate dean of Korea Development Institute School of Public Policy and Management. He received Official Commendation from Vice Prime Minister, Ministry of Economy and was an Advisory Board Member of Ministry of Finance and Economy, South Korea.

Scott Holmstrom

Alex T. Zhang
More than 20 years' professional experiences in equity investment, management consulting and founder of three successful technology companies

Dr. Hu Hongbin
The president of Beijing E-feed & E-vet (EFEV) Co.Ltd
The Director of Veterinary Drugs Distribution and Service working committee, CVDA
The Compere of International Animal Health Forum, CVDA (China Veterinary Drugs Association)
The Chairman of Beijing Veterinary Drugs Association
The Vice Chairman of China Feed Economy Committee
1985-1990 Veterinary College, China Agriculture University (Bachelor of Veterinary Science)
2003-2006 Animal Medical College, China Agriculture University (Master of Veterinary Science)
Occupational History:
1990-1991 Veterinarian, Beijing Dongsheng Agriculture & Animal Husbandry Co.Ltd
1992-1994 Sales Consultant/Mainland of China, Veterinary Medicine Division of MSD (Hong Kong) Co.Ltd
1995-1999 Marketing & Sales Director/Great China Region, Animal Health Division of Hoechst GmbH
2000-2001 Sales Manager/China, Intervet Animal health Co.Ltd
2002- President of Beijing E-feed & E-vet (EFEV) Co.Ltd

Dr Xu Bing
PHD, veterinarian, China Agricultural University
Main Working experience:
2010-present, Chairman, Beijing GoldenVet Biotech Co., Ltd.
2002-2010, Chief Representative (China), Virbac
1999-2002, Marketing manager (China), Schering-Plough Animal health.
1997-1999, Regional Sales Manager, Roche (China) Investment Co., Ltd.
1995-1997, Sales Rep, Conti (Beijing) Feed Additives Ltd.

Emma Davies
Emma Davies advises international clients on M&A and joint ventures in the Asia region, with particular focus on mainland China.
Emma heads up the firm's Corporate practice in mainland China and its Healthcare and Life Sciences Group in Asia.
Emma founded the China competition practice of Clifford Chance and continues to advise clients on the firm's more contentious merger clearances in the market.

Dr. Tony Zi Long Tan
Dr. Tan has over 30 years experience in the field of animal health across a range of animal species. He has had management roles in R&D, regulatory affairs, manufacturing, marketing, sales, and business development. Dr. Tan has extensive international business experience and has worked in the USA, Europe and Asia (particularly in China). Dr. Tan is the founder and Managing Partner of Z-Link Biotech Co. Ltd., a service and support company that helps animal health organizations to achieve their growth and stakeholder value in the emerging market.
Dr. Tan received his veterinary degree from Foshan Veterinary College in China, his Master’s Degree in Animal Science from Alcorn State University, and his Ph.D. in Microbiology from Kansas State University. During his earlier research career, Dr. Tan helped develop several vaccines for cattle, dogs, and poultry. He has published over 50 scientific publications and research reports.
Dr. Tan served Intervet-Schering Plough (now Merck/MSD Animal Health) for over 15 years in different positions, including R&D Group Leader, Project Manager Vaccine Manufacturing, Technical Marketing Manager Aquatic Animals, and Business Unit Director Companion Animals China.
From 2009 to March 2016, Dr. Tan was Group Director of Business Development and Global Alliances for the Asia-Pacific Region of Zoetis (formerly Pfizer Animal Health). He successfully completed several large M&A transactions (total transaction value in excess of US$100 million) and a number of technology licensing deals. These include the first antitrust divesture project in China, the company’s first joint venture project for vaccine manufacturing, and divesture of a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant in Taiwan.
Dr. Tan is an Advisor to the China Global Investment & Trading Alliance (CGITA), an organization that promotes international business between China and other countries.

Dr. Zhao Yarong
Professor, Yarong ZHAO received Ph.D. in Veterinary Parasitology from China Agricultural University in 1993. With his cutting-edge researches in cryptosporidiosis, he received the First Grade Science & Technology Award from the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture in 1993.
From 1993 to 1998, he worked as National Technical Manager in Bayer Animal Health China. Later then in Fort Dodge Animal Health and Schering-Plough China as Regulatory and Technical Manager.
In 2003, he was appointed as General Manager of the Animal Medicine Research Center of the Dabeinong (DBN) Group, an innovative R&D center which focusing on animal infection disease diagnosis, animal biologic development and technology transfer. He has published over 50 scientific papers. Under his leadership, the Center has obtained Six National New Veterinary Drug Certificates and complete a number of technology transfer to other animal health companies with a total transaction value of approximately 350 million(RMB); Inactivated porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) vaccines, won the First Class State Science & Technology Progress Award in 2012.

Mr. Miles Yao

Randolph Seidler

Mark J. Micallef

Nicolas Besse

Kyoon Andrew Kim

Norman Lee
Norman Lee, Ph.D., Professor and founder of Tianjin Ringpu Bio-Technology Co. Ltd., Director of the MOA’s Key Laboratory for Veterinary Drug Innovation, Chairman of the National Veterinary Drug Industry Strategic Alliance for Technology and Innovation, Vice-President of the Chinese Veterinary Association, President of the Tianjin Veterinary Medicine Association, post-graduate advisor at the Tianjin Agricultural University. Dr. Lee has led over 21 national, provincial, and municipal science and technology projects. He was recipient of the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award and twice of the first prize of the Tianjin Science and Technology Progress Award.
In 1998, Dr. Lee established Ringpu(Tianjin)Bio-Pharmacy Co. Ltd. And Ringpu (Baoding) Biological Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. He also acted as General Manager of both companies.
In 2004, he was in charge of the research project: “Genetically engineering recombinant chicken α- interferon”. The project received the first prize of the Tianjin City Technology Innovation Award.
In 2008, he led a management team to restructure the company and established Tianjin Ringpu Bio-Technology Co. Ltd. He was appointed Acting Chairman of the Board.
On 17th September 2010, Tianjin Ringpu Bio-Technology Co. Ltd. was officially listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and Dr. Lee is Chairman of the Board,
In 2012, Dr. Lee was part of the research team: “Swine and poultry pathogenic bacteria resistance research and its application in development of a safe and effective new veterinary drug”. The project received the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award.

Kristin Bloink
Kristin Bloink manages all internal discovery efforts and all external technology evaluations and subsequent portfolio entries for R&D. She has 26 years of accomplishments in human clinical trials, animal drug discovery and development, translational model development and execution, and human and veterinary clinical medical delivery in the private as well as the military sector. She joined Novartis Animal Health in 2007 and integrated into Elanco Animal Health in 2015.

Dr. Klaus Hellmann

Mark Engel

Carel du Marchie Sarvaas
Carel du Marchie Sarvaas has been working as a senior government affairs and communications advisor in Brussels and Washington DC for 20 years.
He will move to IFAH from EuropaBio, the Association of Biotechnology Industries, where he has been Director for Agricultural Biotechnology for some 4 years. Prior to EuropaBio, Carel worked at international consultancies and think tanks in Brussels and Washington DC, most often serving clients with science-based policy and communications challenges.

Dr. Yuki Ujimasa

Prof. Seong Kyu Song

Dr. Johnny A. Jacobsen
Johnny was appointed to a new role with Argenta in early 2017 as Global Head of Customer Experience and subsequently promoted in 2018 to be the Global Head of Business Development. In this new role, Johnny is leading a team focused on client engagement and relationship management and he also is responsible for the development and execution of the strategic direction of Argenta’s global marketing, branding and communications.
- 跨国动保企业的业务拓展以及研发部门的领导
- 新兴动保企业的CEO、CSO、以及商业发展部门的主管
- 创业孵化/加速企业、外包研发机构、咨询服务、法律服务以及其他服务提供商的CEO和研发部门的领导领导
2018 论坛新安排
- 专门的动物营养分会场,讨论主题包括: 药物饲料添加剂、口服疫苗和动物微生物群;影响宠物、水产养殖和家畜肠道健康的创新发展趋势; 中国饲料添加剂的独特监管要求
- 创新企业展示将推荐4个在中国动物营养领域难得的合作和投资机遇
- 一个展示中国和亚太地区顶级兽医院校研究的学术馆
- 提前安排一对一洽谈,以促进公司和院校和合作交流
- 关于企业与学术机构合作战略的圆桌讨论
- 确定下一个在动保和营养领域的战略伙伴
- 与动保企业和金融投资机构的高层人士 共同合作,共创商机
- 发现创新技术和科研的最新进展
- 获得您想得到的金融投资或并购机遇
区别于一般 “见面-问好”的展会经历,您,作为论坛的赞助商和参展商,将被视为我们论坛尊贵的合作伙伴。在论坛举办过程中,您可以展示您公司的产品和品牌,相比于仅在展商列表中出现一个名字而言,您将收获更多。
联系我们的赞助商团队,获悉更多有关赞助商参展方案的详细信息。敬请联系[email protected] (英国); [email protected] (中国)或致电:+44 (0) 20 3696 2920.(英国);+86 136 0973 0818 (中国)。
我们非常高兴地告知您,第三届亚洲动物健康创新论坛的议程安排现已正式出炉了。今年我们的峰会将回到香港,正式会议日期为10月24 – 25日。将有250多位行业高层,创新公司,学术机构和投资机构的代表们齐聚一堂,共襄盛举。
动保专场:该专场已经沿袭至第三年,今年所涉及的主题将包括动行业的合并收购(M&A), 产品监管条例,中国宠物行业发展驱动力及亚太地区发生疾病的情况和原因。

Aaron Schacht

Mr. Jishu Shi

Alan Mackay
Alan has been a private equity investor for more than 25 years in roles including Senior Partner and Global Head of Healthcare at the private equity firm 3i Group plc. He was appointed to the board of 3i plc in 1993 and became CEO of 3i Nordic plc, based in Stockholm, upon the acquisition of Sweden's largest listed private equity company Atle AB in 2001. Alan has served on the boards of a number of healthcare companies, including most recently Phibro Animal Health Corporation which completed a successful initial public offering (IPO) in April 2014. Latterly he has been Managing Partner, CEO, and Chairman of the Investment Committee, of Hermes GPE, an active co-investor in private equity backed healthcare. Alan holds a Bachelor's degree in Law, an MSc in Enterprise and is a graduate of the Advanced Management Programme at INSEAD. He is Chair of the BVCA for 2016 – 2017 and previously chaired its Responsible Investment Advisory Board.

George Gunn

Linda Rhodes
Dr. Rhodes has over 30 years of accomplishments in human and animal drug discovery, development, biomedical research, and clinical veterinary medicine.
Dr. Rhodes was educated at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine (VMD) and Cornell University (PhD). She has an extensive background in physiology, veterinary medicine, and drug development, and many publications in peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Rhodes practiced clinical veterinary medicine for five years, with experience in both companion and farm animal practice. As a senior research fellow at Merck Research Laboratories for 8 years, she led pre-clinical biology evaluation of several marketed human drugs. She worked for Merial Ltd. as director of large animal development projects, leading project teams developing novel compounds for a variety of indications. In April 2001, she formed AlcheraBio, a consulting, marketing, and contract research firm specializing in developing new drugs for animals, working with biotechnology and animal health companies world-wide. AlcheraBio was acquired in 2008 by Argenta, and Dr. Rhodes served as executive vice president to transition the company when in 2011, she accepted a position as CEO of Aratana Therapeutics, a startup company developing innovative new medicines for dogs and cats. Subsequently, when the company became public she served as its Chief Scientific Officer. During her 5-year tenure, the company achieved FDA approval of three new pet therapeutics: Galliprant, Nocita and Entyce. She is currently retired and an independent consultant. She is a member of the Board of Directors of Zoetis, and serves on the Scientific Advisory Boards of the Alliance for Contraception in Dogs and Cats and the Michelson Found Animals Foundation. She founded Feather in Her Cap, a non-profit that recognizes the achievement of women in the animal health industry. She is the recipient of the Iron Paw Award.

Joachim Hasenmaier
Joachim Hasenmaier, born 1960 in Vaihingen/Enz, Germany, DVM., is Member of the Board of Managing Directors of C.H. Boehringer Sohn AG & Co. KG since October 1, 2012, responsible for the Corporate Board Division Consumer Health Care and Animal Health. His nationality is German.
He received a veterinary medical degree (DVM) in 1986 from Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, where he entered into a microbiological research program until 1989 receiving his Doktor med. vet. (PhD) degree. He completed his education with a Master in Management from Kellogg Business School, Chicago, USA in 1991. Prior to joining BI he worked in various positions for various international companies in Germany, Japan, Mexico and Brazil.
In 2002 he joined Boehringer Ingeheim as Corporate Senior Vice President for Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health. In 2011 he took over the regional responsibilty for Prescription Medicine in NECAR (UK/Ireland, Nordics, Benelux, Canada, Australia/New Zealand). He held this position until he became Member of the Board of Managing Directors at C.H. Boehringer Sohn AG & Co. KG in October 2012.

Clinton Lewis
Clint Lewis is executive vice president and president of International Operations at Zoetis. In this role, he oversees the management of the livestock and companion animal business markets outside the United States.
Mr. Lewis previously served as president, U.S. Operations at Zoetis and in the Pfizer Animal Health organization. He joined Pfizer Animal Health in 2007.
Mr. Lewis joined Pfizer in 1988 as a sales representative in Long Island, N.Y., and has held positions of increasing responsibility in several areas across various commercial operations dedicated to human health prior to joining animal health, including vice president and general manager of Pfizer’s U.S. Anti-Infectives/HIV business unit.
In 2011, Mr. Lewis was elected chairman of the Animal Health Institute (AHI) for the 2011-12 term. A member of AHI since 2007, Mr. Lewis previously served as AHI vice chair for the 2009-2010 term. AHI is the trade association for the animal health industry in the U.S. advocating on various issues important to the industry, including efficient and effective regulatory and approval processes by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Mr. Lewis holds a bachelor’s degree in biology from Fairfield University and a Master of Business Administration in marketing from Fairleigh Dickinson University.

Dirk Ehle
Dr. Dirk Ehle has been a member of the Bayer HealthCare Executive Committee and responsible for the Animal Health Division since May 1, 2012.
Dirk Ehle was born on May 26, 1969, in Cologne, Germany. He studied law at the universities of Freiburg, Aix-en-Provence (France), Wurzburg, and New York (USA).
After three years in law firms, Dirk Ehle started his career at Bayer in 2001 in the Law Department of Bayer HealthCare. In 2006, Ehle transferred to Bayer AG’s Corporate Office where he worked as Executive Assistant to the Chairman of the Board of Management. He was also in charge of Corporate Policy & Advocacy as of 2008. In 2010, Ehle was appointed Senior Bayer Representative for Central Eastern Europe and Bayer HealthCare Representative for Poland.
Dirk Ehle is married with three children.

Dr. James Lloyd
- PhD, Agricultural Economics & Operations Research, Michigan State University, 1989
- DVM, Michigan State University, 1981
- BS, Fisheries & Wildlife, Michigan State University, 1978
Honors and Awards
- LGVMA Leadership Award, 2013
- President’s Honor Roll, Michigan Veterinary Medical Association, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011
- Senior Fellow, Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University, 2005-13
- Certificate of Appreciation, Assoc. of Vet. Practice Management Consultants and Advisors, 2004
- Norden Teacher of the Year Award Finalist, College of Veterinary Medicine, 2003
- Creativity in Teaching Award, Merck Agvet, 1995
- State Team Award, Milk Quality Assurance Program, Michigan State University Extension, 1993
- Commendation (for Extension activity), Michigan Cattlemen’s Association, 1992
- The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, Michigan State University, inducted 1985
- Phi Zeta, Honorary Veterinary Society, Michigan State University, inducted 1981
- Butler Award, voted by peers as “most likely to succeed” in large animal veterinary medicine, 1981
- Honors College, Michigan State University, 1975 to 1977
Dr. Lloyd was leader of the National Commission on Veterinary Economic Issues working group on Enhancing the Skills, Knowledge, Aptitude, and Attitude of Veterinarians from 2000-2009. He also works as an organization development consultant, emphasizing strategic planning and leadership development with inclusion as a core element.

Sébastien Huron
Sébastien Huron, 46, DVM, started his career in 1994 in Brazil in the Hoechst-Roussel group where he rapidly rose to become the Marketing director of the animal health division. After Intervet acquired this division (Akzo Nobel group), which was then integrated into the Merck Group, Sébastien Huron pursued his career in 2000 in the United States as Market Development director, and then as director of the Pet division. After rejoining the Virbac group in 2006 as the general manager of the Spanish subsidiary, he then became the director of the European region in 2008, and then head of Global Business Operations in 2013. He has been part of the Virbac executive board since December 2012.

Dr. Tony Zi Long Tan
Dr. Tan has over 30 years experience in the field of animal health across a range of animal species. He has had management roles in R&D, regulatory affairs, manufacturing, marketing, sales, and business development. Dr. Tan has extensive international business experience and has worked in the USA, Europe and Asia (particularly in China). Dr. Tan is the founder and Managing Partner of Z-Link Biotech Co. Ltd., a service and support company that helps animal health organizations to achieve their growth and stakeholder value in the emerging market.
Dr. Tan received his veterinary degree from Foshan Veterinary College in China, his Master’s Degree in Animal Science from Alcorn State University, and his Ph.D. in Microbiology from Kansas State University. During his earlier research career, Dr. Tan helped develop several vaccines for cattle, dogs, and poultry. He has published over 50 scientific publications and research reports.
Dr. Tan served Intervet-Schering Plough (now Merck/MSD Animal Health) for over 15 years in different positions, including R&D Group Leader, Project Manager Vaccine Manufacturing, Technical Marketing Manager Aquatic Animals, and Business Unit Director Companion Animals China.
From 2009 to March 2016, Dr. Tan was Group Director of Business Development and Global Alliances for the Asia-Pacific Region of Zoetis (formerly Pfizer Animal Health). He successfully completed several large M&A transactions (total transaction value in excess of US$100 million) and a number of technology licensing deals. These include the first antitrust divesture project in China, the company’s first joint venture project for vaccine manufacturing, and divesture of a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant in Taiwan.
Dr. Tan is an Advisor to the China Global Investment & Trading Alliance (CGITA), an organization that promotes international business between China and other countries.

Candy Cheng

Mark Engel

Randolph Seidler
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