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Explore the financial impact of social determinants on healthcare costs and population health outcomes. Understand the role of payers in promoting the focus on health equity and the need of collaboration to implement the new strategies.



Lisa Porter

Director of Community Engagement Health Equity & Social Impact

Lisa Porter

Director of Community Engagement Health Equity & Social Impact


Robyn Bussey

Director, Just Health
Partnership for Southern Equity

Robyn Bussey

Director, Just Health
Partnership for Southern Equity

Discover how health equity and SDoH have the potential to improve the financial situation for payers and reduce the financial burden on the health system through promoting preventative care, reducing emergency department visits and enhancing overall population health and ensure your compliance of the joint commissions accreditation standard.



Roslyn Moore

Deputy Director for Programs
Office of Minority Health

Roslyn Moore

Deputy Director for Programs
Office of Minority Health