Sabrina Noorani
Sabrina was born and raised in East Africa and moved to Miami, FL with her family when she was eight years old. A graduate of The New York University Leonard N. Stern School of Business, Sabrina achieved a Bachelor of Science of Finance and Information Systems, with a minor in Mathematics. She is recognized as one of the very few female derivatives traders at NYSE and later, on the founding team for the institutional desk at the now illustrious Citadel hedge fund.In 2017, a debilitating skin allergy led her to launch ClearForMe. With this powerful tool, she hopes to encourage clear beauty education and change how products with ingredient labels are presented to consumers today.

Harriette Resnick
Harriette Resnick is an Assistant Deputy Superintendent in the Climate Division of the New York State Department of Financial Services. Before joining the Department of Financial Services, Harriette had served as internal counsel to JPMorgan Chase & Co. As Managing Director and Associate General Counsel, she led the legal team supporting the Global Trade unit within JPMorgan's Corporate & Investment Bank. She was co-chair of the International Chamber of Commerce Banking Commission’s Working Group on Sustainable Trade Finance. Harriette has a JD from the University of Pennsylvania Law School and a Masters in Environmental Law from Pace University’s Elisabeth Haub School of Law, where she specialized in Global Environmental Studies. Her article, Seeing the Forest for the Trees: Public and Private Law Tools for Halting Deforestation, was published in the January 2020 issue of the Pace Environmental Law Review.

Eric Penanhoat